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I take a therapeutic approach to everything I do. I hope to help my students cultivate, on and off the mat, a deep relaxation, mindfulness, renewed energy, focus, balance and a greater self-awareness and appreciation for one's self and others. Through asana, meditation and pranayama, I take deep care in carefully sequencing classes and encourage students to mindfully meet their edge; thus enabling students to  take their practice off the mat and walk on their journeys with grace, gratitude and ease. I feel that through a dedicated practice we can bring balance to the body and heal emotionally as well as physically. 



Wednesday’s at 5:30 PST on Zoom.
Suggested donations: $10-20 via Venmo @Jesalyn-White (link below).

Allow yourself to slow down, relax and turn inward to cultivate awareness, ease and balance into every aspect of your being. Each class you will be guided through a meditation, passive held postures and gentle movement. All levels welcome!

Venmo Me


YOGA AS THERAPY: Whole Being Wellness Sessions

Contact below for pricing and more info.

Whole Being Wellness Sessions are uniquely designed to meet you where you are at on your life’s path and accompany and guide you on your individual journey to overall health, wellness and deep knowledge of your body. I help you to integrate a holistic approach not only your practice on the mat, but to your lifestyle to re-establish union, balance, awareness and understanding of the entire landscape of who you are; body, mind and soul. A holistic approach works to not only achieve health for the physical body, but to also cultivate a healthy mental body as well as a healthy energy body. We design a plan for your individual needs.

We will work with a well rounded set of practices such as:

  • Yoga asana practice

  • Nutrition and skin therapy

  • Pranayama (breathing techniques)

  • Meditation

  • Mindfulness training

  • Intuitive readings

  • Learning and integrating tools to empower you to trust your own authority and intuition

Through Wellness Sessions we move through the layers of being or The 5 Koshas to ultimately empower you to find presence, peace, love and joy and an overall sense of oneness. There are various ways to work together to tailor an individual program to meet your specific needs.


Private Group Classes, Workshops & Retreats

Contact below for pricing and more info.

A successful business and or a community of family and friends ideally is made up of people who are highly motivated to work together as a team. Regular yoga practice and mindfulness training help to facilitate and promote harmony with each other, a community spirit as well as the physical and mental well being of everyone involved. We will work closely together to develop a customized concept for your group to provide a training for your specific needs and to offer a safe space that allows for your groups personal development and transformation individually and as a cohesive team.

I teach a holistic yoga approach to not only work on the physical, but on the energetic and mental bodies. Through deep ease and relaxation everyone can get in touch with their inner-wisdom. We allow new insight and perspectives by letting go and perhaps sitting outside comfort zones. Through letting go and getting comfortable in the uncomfortable we invite clarity and find strength.